Schools: Zero Waste Lunch

  Our community’s goal is to recycle and compost 75% of everything that’s disposed of at school. Many schools are now recycling clean paper, plastic and metal and composting food scraps, paper towels and napkins. You can help reduce waste even more by helping your child pack a “Zero Waste Lunch.” Here are a few […]

Schools: Educational Resources

Lesson Plan   We’ve developed a 30-minute lesson plan for K-5 classes to help children understand the importance of recycling and composting, and what types of materials go into each of the different colored containers. You can customize the lesson plan to your grade level—from cutting out pictures that children can match to bins, to […]

Green Halo System

Construction and Demolition (C&D) Electronic Reporting System The key to Green Building is to create an effective Waste Management Plan (WMP) for your construction project, salvage materials, source separate, and use facilities that really do recycle materials. Green Halo provides web-based C&D disposal record keeping and analysis. This system enhances accurate recording of C&D debris disposal and diversion. It’s […]

Food Recycling Project

RecycleSmart offers a collection program to keep food waste out of landfill and turn it into renewable energy. It’s open to all restaurants, grocery stores, schools and other large commercial or institutional food waste generators in the RecycleSmart service area. And there’s no charge for participating. To participate you must ensure that you only put food waste […]

Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling

Excavator digging into dirt

Construction and Demolition (C&D) debris accounts for a significant portion of the waste going to local landfills, and C&D debris is much more challenging to recycle than bottles, cans and newspaper! The state now requires a minimum 65% diversion of C&D debris from projects that exceed specified size or cost thresholds. If your project is within the […]

Businesses: Black Landfill Bin or Cart

Black trash bin.

Your Republic Services monthly service rate is a bundled service based on the size of your black or gray landfill bin/cart, and collection frequency. Recycling and organics service is bundled with your landfill service at no additional cost. The more your business recycles and composts properly – the less you pay!  Extra Material?  Businesses can call Republic […]

Businesses: Recycling (Blue) Bin

Woman in office recycling cardboard boxes.

Put metals, plastics, paper and glass in the blue bin.  If your blue collection bins are overflowing, you can contact Republic Services at (925) 685-4711 to request more collection services throughout the week at no additional charge.  For Your Information  PLEASE KEEP YOUR RECYCLABLES EMPTY, CLEAN AND DRY!  Recyclables should be placed in your bin/cart loose, or in […]

Businesses: Green Organics Cart

Depending on the organic materials a commercial business generates, a business can participate in one or both of the following programs:   1. Green organics cart (see info below)  2. Commercial Food to Energy Program (click here for more information)  Organic waste accounts for more than a third of the material in California’s waste stream. Greenhouse […]

Businesses: General Service Information

Blue recycling bin filled with recyclables.

In partnership with the franchised service provider, Republic Services, we offer many services for businesses to make recycling and organics recycling easy. Recycling and organics service is provided at no additional cost with landfill service.  Technical assistance is provided at no additional cost, including site visits, audits, employee and custodial training, presentations (can accomodate virtual presentations) and program […]

Businesses: Customer Service

For questions about billing or service related requests, call Republic Services at (925) 685-4711.  For general questions and unresolved concerns please call RecycleSmart at (925) 906-1801 or email  Related Links Republic Services